Thomas Harris started his music career at the ripe old age of 8-years old. Playing around his hometown of Angleton, Texas for county fairs and local talent shows, he realized his true love in life - singing and performing.

Through the years of growing up, starting life as an adult, working, marriage, having his daughter Sarah, divorce, owning businesses, Thomas has remained devoted to his music. His life's road has shaped him as a person and performer.

All this culminated by chance when he submitted a videotape to the Dr. Phil show for consideration as a participant in the Ultimate Weight-Loss Challenge. When Thomas was chosen as a finalist, a video crew from the show came to capture what his life was about. Knowing how much he enjoyed music, the crew asked him if he had any original music he could play for them to take back to Dr. Phil. Thomas sat down and wrote The Weight-Loss Challenge Blues -- a whimsical plea for Dr. Phil to choose him.

The song became a hit around the Dr. Phil offices and they decided to use it for the show. A unique, fun, and inspirational song -- from a unique, fun, and inspirational man. 9-months later and over 100 pounds lighter, Thomas is a new man. His love of music and performing has only blossomed.

With a new lease on life, Thomas has come full circle. As an
8-year old, he imagined what life would be like writing and performing music. Today he's doing it. During the season Thomas earned his personal training certification and is working on his nutrition certification currently. He is sought after for speaking engagements where he motivates others to make health a priority.

The lessons learned, the tools utilized, and the lust for living regained, Thomas Don Harris is here.

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